Holiday Open House
Date and Time
Friday Nov 5, 2021
Friday, November 5 - 6
Contact Information
Hopkins County Regional Chamber of Commerce

The 2021 Holiday Open House, powered by Independence Bank, is the Chamber's annual event to support local member merchants. Participants will offer special discounts and give-a-ways on Friday, November 5th, and Saturday, November 6th.
Register for the grand prize of a $1,000 Chamber Check at one of our 13 VIPs. For each business, you visit the more chances you have to win.
Thanks to our friends at Independence Bank, 400 Local Love shopping bags filled with additional coupons, gift cards, giveaways, and swag from Chamber member businesses.
The Local Love bag pick-up is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 4th at 4:30 p.m. and Friday, Nov. 5th at 7 a.m. the Madisonville City Park. Bags will be given out on a first come first serve basis. Please call the Chamber at 270-821-3435 with questions.
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