Hopkins County Soaring Forward - April Member Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, April 20
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Madisonville Airport
$10 each (Members Only)
$20 each beginning Tuesday, April 12
$250 - Reserved Table of Five

Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Madisonville Municipal Airport, 162 Airport Road, Madisonville
Ticket and Sponsorship Information
Single Tickets - $10 per person
Table Sponsor (five people) - $250
High Flyer Sponsor: $1,000 (Only two remain)
Pre-event visibility (all promotions and announcements) and on-site publicity
Logo on the printed event program
Logo on screen at the event
Special recognition from the podium during the luncheon
- Runway Sponsor: $500 (Only three remain)
Pre-event visibility (all promotions and announcements) and on-site publicity
Logo on the printed event program
Logo on screen at the event
Two reserved tables for five
Inspire Investor: